Домашнее задание для 5 класса к теме изучения продуктов. Два рецепта на английском языке. Первый – пицца, второй – картошка фри.
Simple tortilla pizza.
4 tortillas;
400g chopped tomatoes;
125g grated cheese;
285g drained, roasted red and yellow peppers;
Sea salt, freshly ground black pepper, herbs.
Preparation method:
1. Preheat the oven to 240°C;
2. Divide the chopped tomatoes between the 4 tortillas;
3. Divide the cheese and peppers over the top;
4. Place tortillas in to the oven to bake for about 4-6 minutes;
5. Remove the tortillas from the oven and scatter over herbs.
French fries.
500ml vegetable oil;
2 potato, peeled and cut into thin sticks.
Preparation method:
1. Heat the oil in a deep pan;
2. Place the potato sticks into the oil and deep-fry for 5-6 minutes, until crips and golden.
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