Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 7 класс по курсу Форвард на тему простое будущее время.
Forward, Future simple.

1 задание
1.I will do morning exercises.
Will I do morning exercises?
I will not do morning exercises.
2. He will work at a factory.
Will he work at a factory?
He will not work at a factory.
3. We will work part-time.
Will we work part-time?
We will not work part-time.
4. They will drink tea every day.
Will they drink tea every day?
They will not drink tea every day.
5. Mike will be a student.
Will Mike be a student?
Mike will not be a student.
6. Helen will have a car.
Will Helen have a car?
Helen will have a car.
7. You will be good friends.
Will you be good friends?
You will not be good friends.

2 задание

1.Alice will have a sister.
2. Her sister’s name will be Ann.
3. Ann will be a student.
4. She will get up at seven o’clock. 
5. She will go to the institute in the morning. 
6. She will do her morning exercises every day. 
7. After breakfast she will go to the institute. 
8. She will speak English well.
9.  I will have breakfast at seven o’clock. 
10.I will take a bus to the institute. 

3 задание

Через 10 лет я буду в Москве.
Через 5 лет она будет врачом.
Через 6 лет я буду студентом.
Через 20 лет они будут знаменитыми.
Через 4 года он будет в Лондоне.

4 задание

1.She will be busy.
2.I will not be busy.
3.Will you be busy?
4.Will they be at home?
5.He will not be at home.
6.I will not know.
7.Will they know?
8. Will he read English books?
9.Will she have a flat?
10.I will run tomorrow.
11.Will you play football?
12.We will ski next winter.

5 задание

Alice will get up and then she will walk with her dog. She will have breakfast. At eight o’clock she will go to school. She will go to school by bicycle. She will stop and say hello to her neighbors. She will have five lessons at school. Alice will come home and will do her homework. She will cook dinner for her family. In the evening Alice will read a book or will watch TV.

Контрольная работа, Английский язык, Forward 7 класс
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